What's on Next...
Days Left
28 February 2025
£5.00 door (cash only), £4.00 advance
22.00 O Moon
21.10 Asteroid Lily
20.20 The Cloud
More Details
O Moon
This will be one of our more relaxed gigs, and O Moon are a laid-back, groovy and jazzy indie three-piece with a tendency for catchy melodies and fat vocal harmonies. If you like funky and unpredictable tunes with three different frontmen (all with separate musical ideas!) they're the guys for you. Although this gig happens in the chill of February, O Moon will bring some warm breaths of summer into the room.
Asteroid Lily
Formed in London in 2023, Asteroid Lily are the musical lovechild of Swedish singer-songwriter and lyricist Jo, and Greek music producer/synth player Spiros Maus. The band draws inspiration from an array of musical styles, seamlessly fusing the ethereal synths of Röyksopp, the grandiosity of musical theatre, the catchy pop hooks of ABBA, and the intricate beauty of classical music, but in short they make tuneful synth pop like mama used to make
The Cloud
31hours have long been a favourite of ours, having played for us back in the Wheatsheaf days, and on the main stage at our first In A Different Place all-dayer in 2023. Now Jo Griffin is back in the guise of The Cloud, a glitchy but dreamy synth and guitar act, Take a listen to 'Friday 22nd' on the link below, to experience some ghostly waif pop somewhere between Radiohead, gospel, and Boards of Canada.
Our gigs are often highly eclectic, so there might be a wide variety of punters in our little venue. We want everyone to have a good time, so relax, express yourself and have a good gig, but be thoughtful of other people and don't ruin their night with your fun. Basically, just be considerate and nice, and everyone will be happy.
Naturally, anyone who is actively aggressive, or who abuses anyone else on the grounds of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, Monster Munch flavour preference, or whatever the hell else might make a bigot irrationally angry, is out the door.
In return, we'll make every effort to create a warm and pleasant environment, and we'll try our hardest to keep to the timetable (music starts at approximately 20.00, and will go on till about 22.15). Also, we've kept the door price as low as we can, but rest assured that GTI is a non-profit event, and all the money after expenses goes to the performers.